September 11, 2001 #9/11 #9/10: The Day Before #HappeningNow

Chief Editor

September 11, 2001 #9/11 #9/10: The Day Before #HappeningNow

This essay was originally published inGear in 2002. It has been republished here with permission from publisher Bob Guccione Jr.

On Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer was talking about the deluge of reality TV on the fall schedules. The news was thin. Israeli tank fire had killed a Palestinian (quel surprise) near the town of Jenin on the West Bank. At the final of the U.S. Open the day before, a young Australian tennis player, Lleyton Hewitt, had wiped the floor with Pete Sampras.

Even under usual circumstances, you would have been hard pressed to remember anything about September 10 that was out of the ordinary, and yet it was the day that would come to crystalize the quality and value of what had gone before, if only we had known it at the time.

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