North Korea Threatens to attack the United States

Chief Editor

North Korea threatens to attack U.S.

A State Department official told CNN on Saturday it was aware of the threats. The exercises are transparent, defense-minded and are designed to increase the readiness of South Korea and the region, the State Department official said.

“These exercises are a clear demonstration of the U.S. commitment to the alliance,” the official said.


While threatening military action is nothing new for the regime (Kim Jong Un told his troops they should be ready to fight a “sacred war” in the days leading up to the exercises in 2012, for example), the rhetoric coming out of Pyongang seems particularly ratcheted-up this time around.

“The army and people of the DPRK are no longer what they used to be in the past when they had to counter the U.S. nukes with rifles,” the NDC spokesman continued, saying North Korea “is the invincible power equipped with both [the] latest offensive and defensive means unknown to the world…”

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